Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fat Fight

Well just like I fought to quit smoking, and failed many times before I actually was successful I now try and attempt my last go at becoming the person I want to become physically and with that will come changes in who I am emotionally and spiritually as well.  I tried to quit smoking MANY times before I actually quit! I am on year 3 YES year 3! of quitting smoking, and haven't looked back.  I am now doing the same with my body and food!  
                    I WILL loose my 20 lbs of fat and I WILL turn it into muscle.  MY GOAL. To be in shape and toned in 60 days! I'm going to be posting weekly photo updates. along with weigh ins and inches.
I'm not going to fret over my numbers on the scale as muscle  weighs more than fat and I plan on gaining more muscle! but inches I will be particularly watching along with my photos!     

My plan is to , -Clean out my diet!  NO crap, chips, grease candy BOOZE.(this maybe something I will do socially occasionally) 
                        - Increasing my RAW FOOD, more raw veggies, fruit ect at EVERY meal.
                        - Hard core WORKOUTS!!!! I'm going to be doing the Insanity workout in the am. And I have access to a cardio kickboxing class which I plan on doing outside my home 4 nights a week!(I know but go big or go home!!!) 

                                    I will keep any recipes I use along with the occasional video update  My ultimate goal is to become a HEALTHY  active emotionally balance person I want to be happy with who I am inside and out!  ... AND I WANT TO FIT MY JIGGLY BODY INTO A CUTE LITTLE BIKINI AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!!! .... so by summer of 2012 I want to be RIPPED!

                                                           HERE WE GO........

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Food Journal


Glass of water
Half an apple. (not very hungry in the morning)

1/2 avocado,1/3 apple, 1/2 cucumber/1 med tomato, 4 tbls sun dried tomato vinaigrette
                                               ( chopped in a bowl)
Bottle of water


Med banana
Bottle of water

*lunch salad* w/mushrooms
glass of cucumber lemon water

2 Bananas

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quit smoking!

Alright so heres the deal (btw,this is my AHHA moment lol)!! ... Every single day for the past almost 10 years (omg) I have been wakeing up and telling my self ''TODAY IS THE DAY I QUIT SMOKING'' ..but then a friend calls on the phone and you say to your self '' I'll just cut back today and work my way into quitting''. Then you get in a fight with your partner..AGAIN telling your self, ''Well I've only had 3 today so thats still good''! ..Before you know it you SUCK and your still smoking!!
So Aprox. 27 days ago, I woke up and YET again had that nasty taste of ash tray in my mouth and a horrible sore throat. I was coughing up this nasty crap from my lungs...and thats when it hit me... Why in the WORLD would someone want to inhale toxic smoke directly into the one place of your body that keeps you alive in the first place?? You need air to breath and you need lungs to breath for you.. so if you were to distroy this organ you are esentially KILLING YOUR SELF! I know this sounds so basic ... and your thinking well obviously!!.. we've heard this b4 over and over a million times! but heres the thing... were so used to hearing this and so desensitized to the pictures,articles and commercials we see every single day.. that nobody (smokers anyway) really hears it... you hear it but its not sinking in. Its more like ''ya ya..well anyway... Kind of mentality. But just REALLY think about it, you are Killing the ONE organ that is keeping you from dieing! then I got thinking.. I have babies to look after...I don't want someone else to raise them for me.. I don't want them to be stuck wondering WHY there mommy couldn't just stay healthy for them! I have something to live for, I have the future of our world to raise! gental men and strong women to bring up. I WILL NOT have someone else do this for me. I will NOT compromise this becasue I want to be selfish. Life isn't really that long, today could be the day you die! you never know..nobody gives you a pink slip and says... ''OH by the way, today at 2.43 pm a black SUV is going to T bone you and you will slam into the side of a telephone pole and die today!'' ... THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN. you NEVER KNOW. so why would you try and end that sooner>???

Regardless... 27 days ago was the day I realized! I want to live! I want to be healthy! and I want to be a stronger person! I know it sounds very ... ''I found godish'' but lol I'm serious and one day you will have that day! and you will realize. YOUR health is the One thing that you need to stay happy and alive!.. I quit 'cold turkey' with cigarettes still in the pack 27 days ago!

| Just think about it! you only live this life once! JUST ONCE!
